Counterstrike EP - Crushed/Ready For The Pain

Yet again, one of our resident Prague heavy hitters just dropped a 2-track EP on PRSPCT Recordings which will be sure to leave the dance floor Crushed! Read more…

16. 7. 2015, publikoval Ry Hallada

Walk into nearly any music bar or club in Prague and you’ll be sure to get a dose of Drum and Bass in some form of the genre. Look in the right places, you might even see some of the linchpins of the contemporary DnB scene having a drink and discussing the finer things.

It must be something in the beer because yet again, one of our resident Prague heavy hitters just dropped a 2-track EP on PRSPCT Recordings which will be sure to leave the dance floor Crushed. Counterstrike’s mu­sic and live sets promise relentless bass blasting, snare smashing, full on raw energy which will leave you Ready For the Pain! Their latest release goes so hard and takes everything in its path along with it. Counterstrike music is a force to be reckoned with and this EP is no exception!

Head over to PRSPCT Recordings to get your copy now – prspctrecordin­­bum/prspct-029-by-counterstrike


  1. Crushed feat. Tripwire
  2. Ready For The Pain

Algorythm Recordings