Zajíma-li vás kolik toho Kemal doposud vydal, tak proklikněte nadpisem. Diskografie obsahuje jeho desky pro RHW pod jménem Konflict, jeho práce pod pseudonymem Paranoid User a vlastně všechno, o čem víme. Jestli vám tam některý titul chybí, napište nám – doplníme. (kg)

15. 5. 2002, publikoval redakce

konflict-road block /state of mind (renegade hardware) rh19
konflict-cyanide /outpost (renegade hardware)rh20
konflict-bad acid (renegade hardware) rh22

konflict-maelstrom ep (renegade hardware) rh26

konflict & usual suspects-contact (renegade hardware) rhlp2 

konflict-beckoning (renegade hardware)rhlp2

konflict-phobia (renegade hardware) rhlp2

konflict-the messiah (renegade hardware) rhlp3

kemal-mechanism /animation (architecture) arx005

kemal & rob data- lime(from v/a – unicron ep) (architecture) arx006 

ink & jw /kemal & rob data- alien planet /reanimation (architecture) arx007 

kemal & rob data- konspiracy (industry)

konflict- the mummy /system bleed (negative) ntv001 

kemal & rob data- gene sequence /portal (negative) ntv002 

konflict- pendulum (negative)

konflict & kraken-bios-fear (underfire)

kemal & paul reset /stakka & k tee- kontempt /rubber bullet (underfire) udfr017 

kemal & rob data- star trails /hybrid (audio blueprint) abpr013 

kemal & rob data-encrypter (from 23degrees from vertical lp)( dsci4 ) 

kemal (paranoid user) – pitch black /safeguard (cryptic audio) cpt01

kemal – submerge /test tube (timeless) tyme4

kemal – linear/plan b (timeless)

kemal & rob data- obsidian

kemal & rob data – the hypnotist

kemal – mutationz III. (dsci4)

kemal – time's up


bulletproof- nephelim (cyanide) cyanide001

karl k – synapse (higher education),f-111

kraken – side effects (underfire) udfr015

state of play – poor mans deal (aspect) aspect08

teebee – human reptile (subtitles)

ufo! – my personal blackmail (skunkrock) spr06

dom&roland – imagination

moth – sugar crashing

pressure rise – no more rain (aspects)

faith in chaos – possession (outbreak)